If you would like to have email delivered to your May First account, you can create a user account with a mailbox attached to it and receive email at the address based on your user name (e.g. username@mail.mayfirst.org).
If you have your own domain name, you can also add an email address that will deliver email to your May First mailbox.
Or, you can choose to create an email address with your domain that forwards to an email address hosted outside of May First.
If you want your email delivered to a mailbox hosted by May First:
Once you save the record, a new item will be listed when you click the "Mailbox" tab. You can edit this item to change its settings (such as the quota, vacation message, etc).
You can now test your mailbox by logging in to webmail.mayfirst.org and sending email to your default address - username@mail.mayfirst.org. Be sure to login with your user name, not your email address.
If you have your own domain name, you may optionally add an email address so email sent to an email address using your domain to either your mailbox or an email address hosted elsewhere.
To add an email address: